Posted by: nussi | November 11, 2009


Inspired by San – and yes a little inspiration is SO welcome in these NaBloPoMo days- I will give you a little insight in a typical work day of mine today.

6:00 – 6:30 am: the alarm goes off. Last year I got one of those light alarms for Christmas and I have to say I absolutely LOVE it! At 6:00 the light goes on and gets stronger and stronger during a period of half an hour. After that the birds start singing. I cuddle up in bed for 15 more minutes – YES I am BAD at getting up!

6:45 am: I’m taking a LONG shower. Last month my old shower broke and we then installed one of those large waterfall showers and they are so niiice! I put on some make up,  blow dry mair hair and get dressed.

7:10 am: I go downstairs and prepare the coffee, if J hasn’t done that yet. YES, I need my morning coffee! Most of the time I have a bowl of all bran and a banana for breakfast, sometimes bread or a croissant.

7:40 am: I’m brushing my teeth and then J and I drive to work.

8:00 am: I get a cup of tea and start working. My tasks are very varying and include contacts to customers and suppliers, managing the surveys in regards to planning personnel, quality control, presentations, instructing extra workers and statistical calculations. There is also a lot of contact to the IT department.

10:00 am: Fika – that’s what the Swedes call their all-important, institutional coffee breaks during which I usually have a fruit. We talk about work related stuff but also pure nonsense. Often enough we have a good laugh!

10:15 am: I get back to work.

12:00 am: Lunch break. We usually cook 3,5 portions for dinner and bring left overs that we heat up in the microwave. Sometimes we also go out for lunch, but since that is fairly expensive we rather save that money and go for a really good meal every once in a while instead. Depending if there is a lot to do or not I may or may not take a full hour lunch break. When it’s nice weather we often take a walk in the forest.

12:15-1:00 pm: Back to work.

3:00 pm: Another fika!

3:15 pm: Back to work again.

5:00-6:00 pm: Officially the work day is over by 5:00 pm but mostly there is a little much to do for that. (Sometimes way too much). Anyway, often enough we are leaving before 6 pm. Sometimes we go grocery shopping on our way home, meet up with friends in town for dinner or go to the movies. Mostly we are heading straight home though.

6:30 pm: J and I take care of the laundry and cook dinner together. In the summer there sometimes also is some garden work to do.

7:15 pm: Dinner time

If we stay at home we usually watch TV,  read or surf the interwebs. We are also really trying to establish a routine of doing 15 minutes of yoga (and since Monday Shakti mat) before going to bed every day.

22:30 – 23:00 We brush our teeth and go to bed.


  1. Wow, you have a terrible long day, too, sweetie. Just sayin’… on top of all the emotional stuff that is going on in your private life.

    But I envy you for the “light alarm”… how exactly does this work and where do you get it?

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